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ue5 sdk 无法构建源码工程
1EXP 2022年08月04日

使用产品:SuperMap Hi-Fi 3D SDK 11i(2022) for Unreal UE5版本 操作系统:win11 x64  IDE:VS2022

数据类型: 图品,文字


把UE5插件拷贝到Plugins后,开始构建源码出现错误,环境是windows11 vs2022 ue5.03 

Running D:/Epic Games/UnrealEngine-5.0.3-release/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool/UnrealBuildTool.exe  -projectfiles -project="C:/Epic Games/UEProjects/SuperMap/SuperMap.uproject" -game -engine -progress -log="C:\Epic Games\UEProjects\SuperMap/Saved/Logs/UnrealVersionSelector-2022.08.04-12.38.26.log"
Log file: C:\Epic Games\UEProjects\SuperMap\Saved\Logs\UnrealVersionSelector-2022.08.04-12.38.26.log
Log file: D:\Epic Games\UnrealEngine-5.0.3-release\Engine\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\Log_GPF.txt

Some Platforms were skipped due to invalid SDK setup: Mac, IOS, Android, Linux, LinuxArm64, TVOS.
See the log file for detailed information

Discovering modules, targets and source code for project...
Compiled assembly file 'C:\Epic Games\UEProjects\SuperMap\Intermediate\Build\BuildRules\SuperMapModuleRules.dll' appears to be for a newer CLR version or is otherwise invalid.  Unreal Build Tool will try to recompile this assembly now.  (Exception: Could not load file or assembly 'C:\Epic Games\UEProjects\SuperMap\Intermediate\Build\BuildRules\SuperMapModuleRules.dll'. Format of the executable (.exe) or library (.dll) is invalid.)
C:\Epic Games\UEProjects\SuperMap\Plugins\SuperMap Hi-Fi 3D SDK for Unreal\Source\SuperMap\SuperMap.Build.cs(6,14): error CS0101: The namespace '<global namespace>' already contains a definition for 'SuperMap'
C:\Epic Games\UEProjects\SuperMap\Plugins\SuperMap Hi-Fi 3D SDK for Unreal\Source\SuperMap\SuperMap.Build.cs(23,12): error CS0111: Type 'SuperMap' already defines a member called '.ctor' with the same parameter types
ERROR: Expecting to find a type to be declared in a target rules named 'SuperMapTarget'.  This type must derive from the 'TargetRules' type defined by Unreal Build Tool.

问题重现步骤: 不确定



请问您有右击工程目录选择 Generate Visual Studio project files,进行执行吗?之后进入*.sln C++工程中,此时可以看见 Plugins 文件夹下的 SuperMap 插件已经挂载成功,之后进行工程编译及运行工程。


795EXP 2022年08月04日
有选择 Generate Visual Studio project files,不过我现在问题解决了,就是我的工程名字也是supermap和插件名字重复了,修改了就好了。